Concon notes by Tantek Çelik Paul Schreiber It's a pretty full house. Danny gives a satirical summary of ETech. Kevin Marks gives the Technorati summary Powerlaw logaritmic distribution Powerlaw inverted, lots more folks with 4 links Technorati top products Schuyler Erle Collaborative Mapping Workshop "Hey Free Maps" Opensource GIS Hey folks, we need to free the maps. Ralf Muehlen, A Tale of Two Wireless Cities city-wide LAN Marc on digital democracy who owns the community? - Marc wants to rent/use the Dean/MoveOn/etc. list 10million politically active people on the internet - use 2+ of n traits (forward email, donate, blog, etc.) plug: need distributed social networks not just centralized sites like, deanspace Danny O'Brien Life Hacks things he didn't say in his talk emailed people 2 mos. before his talk and asked for help people - eric raymond, guido van rossum, cory doctorow, etc. common tools - todo.txt (text files) - shells - really simple, works across machines - easy to use esr had two shells shaped like barrels of a gn the more open you are, the cooler you are because they were pushing stuff into the real world, it was helping them get organized motivation is important - if it's just you, you have a mess - if you're puttingit out in public, you have to smarten up and tidy yourself. end of day 1 Cory Doctorow - keynote 2 "who writes things" wrote out his whole talk before his session copyright, ebooks etc. learned from a year of distributing books on the internet torre books, largest scifi pub in world - boring things people say when you say the word "ebook" which aren't true - music execs thought napster was dead because ppl wanted liner notes, rip could be bad, server could die mid-download "problems" with ebooks - screens are too low res (the only ppl who say this are geeks who spend all day staring at 72 dpi screens b/c they are the only ones who understand "dpi") - physical artifacts - ownership - is owning the ascii version - most easily converted to other forms -as opposed to physical form, takes much more effort to convert - can't be read in the bathtub [unless you buy a special ebook reader, which is like buying a separate car for driving to the bank] Jason Harlan (sound effect from DonkeyKong starting up) - locative issues - associate media w/ a location to convey more info about the media - combine arts w/ tech - too much emphasis on the conceptual and not enough on implementation - Panel Discussion - social networking discussion Jo Walsh, Jonathan Moore, Kevin Burton Jo's going to talk about Foaf Jonathan hacking friendster Kevin Burton ripping your data off Friendster Jo: - FOAF allows you to describe metadata properties about yourself - is interested in FOAF Kevin Burton: - rise of Tribe, Orkut, etc. - terms of service annoying - centralized and not open - Exportster - plugin that uses plugins small simple api 3k download alpha code plugin for orkut parses it in (but doesn't export it yet) (just a minor violation of the Orkut terms of service) Jonathan - guidelines for services - avoid public search of private data - avoid using private data as constraints on a public search - you can look at somebody's profile and see what their zip code is by searching for people in their zip code [restrict search to that zip code, change yours, etc.] - bookmarklet for looking for a name on Friendster - sniff wireless traffic for email addresses and show Friendster profiles Kevin Marks and Tantek Çelik - real world semantics - aka lowercase semantic web [not Semantic Web, RDF, OWL, etc.] - semantic xhtml - adaption by "real people" - idea: simple semantics instead of re-creating your data - evolutionary not revolutionary - user-centric design - design for humans first - kill presentational tags: replace with - use CSS for display - bloggers are starting to understand this -


, marking up permalinks - XFN: add a rel="" attribute to hyperlinks - creative commons: easy: - semantic xhtml example: outlines - use XOXO to a list, plus CSS to disply - - rel=vote links: when you link to something say if you approve/disagree/neutral - technorati counts these - recommendations - syndication Quinn - what Don Norman said - The Design of Everyday things - Emotional design - 3 layers of interpreseting sensory data: visceral (fine dining), behavioural (functional, cognitive), reflective (drive a hummer) - visceral/reflective products are expensive - behavioural products can be commoditized - Don Norman now likes pretty things - really great design is always going to be loved and hated CodeCon abstract Mike on "scream" music, sound 6 point surround system generic components Electric Sheep DVD video distributed computer animation set to music pizza break